
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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The ruins of the North Palace of Nebuchadnezzar II were next These ruins were not touched during the 1980s' work These ruins were not touched during the 1980s' work The inner walls of the city of Babylon are located just behind this palace, and they look like they are about to collapseBy Jan van der Crabben (CC BYNCSA) Babylon is the most famous city from ancient Mesopotamia whose ruins lie in modernday Iraq 59 miles (94 kilometres) southwest of Baghdad The name is thought to derive from bavil or bavilim which, in the Akkadian language of the time, meant 'Gate of God' or 'Gate of the Gods' and 'Babylon' coming from Greek The city owes its fame (or infamy) to the many references the Bible makes to it;The ancient ruins of Babylon can be found just 85 km south of Baghdad Today, these ruins are just a shadow of their former glory For a long time, Babylon was just one of the many small kingdoms in Mesopotamia The ancient city of Babylon became the centre of M...

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